Take Care of Your Toothbrush! Protect Your Smile by “Brushing Up” on these Toothbrush Basics When it comes to dental...
Category: <span>Healthy Teeth</span>

Good Dental Habits and Good Health!
Kick Off the New Year With Good Dental Habits and Good Health! Happy new year to all of our patients,...

Dr. E’s Dental Year in Review
The Dental Year in Review from Dr. E It’s almost time to bid goodbye to 2022 and ring in the...

Dental Tips to Help You Survive the Holiday Season
Quick Holiday Dental Tips Tis the season to be festive and jolly! For many of us, it is also the...

Balance Your Oral Microbiome for Better Health
What is Your Oral Microbiome and How Can You Keep it in Balance for Better Health? The oral microbiome is...

November is National TMJ Awareness Month
TMJ Awareness: Let Dr. E help you take control of TMJ Chewing, talking and smiling are daily things that many...

Should I Get a Second Dental Opinion
Is it OK to get a Second Dental Opinion? Dr. E says YES! How many times have you left a...

Halloween Safety Tips
Tips to Stay Safe and Maintain a BOO-tiful Smile We have officially entered the season of all things spooky...

The Benefits of Smiling
Keep Smiling! Your Smile Can Help You Live a Longer and Happier Life Your smile brightens our team’s day here...

Self Care Awareness and Oral Health
Smile! September is National Self-Care Awareness Month Is self-care an intentional part of your daily routine? National Self-Care Awareness Month...