Cosmetic Dentistry

The following services are proudly offered at our office::
- Examination and x-rays
- Periodontal therapy and general dental hygiene care
- Bridges
- Occlusal (bite) guards
- Snoreguards
- Sealants
What does a beautiful smile look like to you?
At Dr. E’s Cosmetic & Family Dental, you can create an individual, natural-looking smile custom-made for you.
Our cosmetic dental services are based on improving your natural smile by preserving as much of your natural tooth structure as possible, while creating the enhanced smile that you envision. Dr. E’s years of experience and emphasis on cosmetic treatment training ensure superior quality and expertise to design the smile you’ve always dreamed of.
When considering cosmetic dentistry, we encourage you to think about the role your back teeth play in completing your smile. Although your front teeth are the most visible, your back teeth and overall oral cavity can greatly improve your results.
Additionally, cosmetic dentistry serves an important role in correcting TMJ. TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, simply means that the hinge connecting the upper and lower jaw isn’t working properly.
Not sure how to communicate your desired results? Feel free to provide photos or images of smiles that you love and we will design your custom smile with your vision in mind.
The process to achieve your ideal smile will vary from patient to patient, but there are some common steps. In many cases we will create your “before” models to capture your teeth as they are before treatment and an ideal wax model (“the after”) will be created detailing our mutual design. This will allow us to share what could be potentially in your near future. Photographs are also integral to this process for our communication regarding shade, shape and contour. Accurate models and photographs transmit your cosmetic plan to our laboratory so that both the art and science can be integrated.
Dr. E invites you to spend some time to determine what you truly want to see in the mirror and what you want to convey to the world. The professional, service-oriented team at Dr. E’s Cosmetic & Family Dental expertly assist you in this life-changing process. As each step unfolds, you will be closer to your ideal smile. No matter what that looks like to you, we will help you achieve a healthy, naturally bright smile that exudes confidence, well-being, and youthfulness.