Dr. E’s Dental Year in Review


The Dental Year in Review from Dr. E

It’s almost time to bid goodbye to 2022 and ring in the new year! As we get ready to embark on 2023, the Dr. E Cosmetic and Family Dentistry team wants to remind you to prioritize your dental health in order to achieve better overall health. 

We’re here to help! In the spirit of keeping your oral health on track in 2023, let’s recap some important dental topics we’ve covered with you over the past year. Our holiday wish is that you remember to keep up these good habits during the busy holiday season and as we transition into a new year. So here is the 2022 dental year in review with an overview of the topics we’ve covered:

Practice Daily Oral Hygiene

What is behind every beautiful, healthy smile? A good oral hygiene routine. No matter how busy your day gets, be sure you don’t skip these oral hygiene basics:

  • Brush and floss at least twice daily
  • Drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated and cleanse the mouth of debris
  • Maintain a well-balanced diet and avoiding sugary sweets
  • See your dentist regularly — at least twice a year

It’s Never Too Late to Break Bad Habits

Out with the old; in with the new! It’s never too late to take simple actions that can enhance your smile and overall health. Leave these bad dental habits behind in 2022:

  • Overbrushing your teeth, which wears down tooth enamel
  • Nail biting, which chips teeth and may cause jaw disfunction
  • Overdoing it on sugar, which leads to cavities and tooth decay
  • Teeth grinding, which can result in chipped teeth and jaw pain
  • Using tobacco/smoking, which puts your dental and overall health at risk
  • Using your teeth as tools… take the time to grab the scissors instead!

Breathe Easier and Smile Better

It’s something we unconsciously do throughout the day, but the way we breath can greatly impact oral health. Here’s the key takeaway:

  • Nose breathing is healthier than mouth breathing, which can waste saliva and dry out the mouth. This puts you at greater risk for bad breath, tooth decay and gum inflammation.
  • You can breath your way to a healthier smile by practicing mindful breathing exercises, staying fit, and giving yourself subtle cues throughout the day to focus on your breathing — for example, set reminders on your phone.

 Keep Up with Dental Health On-the-Go

Taking a trip doesn’t mean you should take a vacation from your dental routine. These simple tips will help you take care of your smile wherever your travels may take you throughout the year:

  • The next time you hit the store, stock your cart with portable dental goodies like mini tubes of toothpaste, travel flossers and fold-up toothbrushes. Have these items on hand and at-the-ready for your next getaway.
  • Pack healthy grab-and-go snacks for road trips (think apples and crunchy veggies) in lieu of sugary drinks, chips, etc.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated during lengthy flights and road trips.

Prevent Headaches by Keeping Up with Oral Health

There is increasing evidence that persistent headaches may be linked to certain oral health problems. Here’s a recap of what you need to know about dental health and headaches:

  • Cavities and dental infections that are left untreated can trigger the trigeminal nerve to radiate pain throughout the mouth and into the face/head.
  • Cracked, chipped or broken teeth can also trigger major nerve pain, causing headaches.
  • If left untreated, bruxism (teeth grinding) and TMJ can result in severe headaches.
  • It’s crucial to see your dentist regularly — and contact your dentist right away if you experience any type of accidental tooth trauma that can cause chronic headaches.

Dental Health and Alzheimers

Recent studies indicate that certain “bad” bacteria may contribute to developing Alzheimers while good oral health can help prevent its onset. Here’s the important takeaway:

  • Daily brushing and flossing and regular dental visits are critical in order to prevent bacteria build-up that can potentially travel from the mouth, through the bloodstream and into the brain.
  • Caregivers can assist those living with Alzheimers by helping them maintain their oral hygiene routine. Key tips include: use a soft-bristled toothbrush, brush at the same time each day for more cooperation, comfort and success, and help loved ones keep a record of their dental care.

Smile Your Way to Better Health!

Did you know there’s a science to smiling? The more you smile, the more health and social benefits you will enjoy! And when you take proper care of your teeth, there’s no doubt you will want to keep flashing those pearly whites. Learn more here:

  • A smile triggers the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which increases happiness, and serotonin, which reduces stress.
  • Smiling endorphins are so powerful that they can lower your heart rate, decrease blood pressure, relieve pain and also boost the immune system.
  • Workers who smile more frequently are viewed as more confident, energetic and approachable.
  • Smile with confidence! Visit your dentist regularly and consider inquiring about teeth whitening and other cosmetic procedures.

We’re Honored to Serve You!

Once again, we want to you thank you for trusting the Dr. E Cosmetic and Family Dental Care team with your smiles all year long. Dr. E is SO proud to have earned the title of Ahwatukee’s Best Dentist for the sixth consecutive year — it’s your support that makes all the difference! We remain committed to providing our patients with expert, compassionate dental care in 2023 and for many years to come!

Have you made your dental appointments for the new year? Schedule with us now: 480-494-2435