Five Common Questions About Your Teeth (and the Answers!)


Questions about your teeth? Here are some answers to 5 common questions:

We at Dr. E Cosmetic and Family Dentistry surely don’t take your teeth for granted… but do you? Have you ever wondered why your teeth look a certain way or change their appearance over time?  Here are FIVE common questions – and answers – about your teeth to help you achieve and maintain a lifelong healthy, beautiful smile!

Q: Why do new permanent teeth that come in have little bumpy ridges on them?

A: Not to worry! Dr. E assures parents of young patients that the bumps are completely normal and not permanent. They are called mamelons and they are part of the natural process of how our teeth develop. Deep down under the gums, the different lobes all grow together as enamel fuses to form the permanent adult tooth, creating the bumpy appearance. The bumpy ridges usually wear away as the child uses the permanent teeth to chew.

Q: Why do I have white spots on my teeth?

A: While you may not like the sight of white spots on your teeth, they usually present no cause for major alarm. What can be to blame? In many cases, it’s due to “dental fluorosis,” or too much fluoride. Another condition contributing to white spots is known as “enamel hypoplasia,” which occurs when teeth enamel does not form properly in childhood. Sometimes, wearing braces can also leave behind white spots where the cement attached the braces to the teeth. However, there are other factors under your control that can help you prevent white spots from occurring, including practicing good dental hygiene and avoiding acidic and sugary foods.

Q: Help! Why do I suddenly see brown spots on my teeth?

A: Brown or yellowish spots on the teeth typically signal poor oral hygiene. But sometimes stepping up your flossing and brushing routine isn’t enough. In some cases, these discolorations are due to stains from smoking, consuming beverages like red wine or coffee, taking certain medications or experiencing tooth trauma.  However, brown spots can also signal signs of Celiac Disease, especially in children. That’s why it’s so important to follow up with your dentist should you experience any abnormal discolorations in your teeth.

Q: If I have cosmetic dentistry, will my teeth look fake?

A: Many patients who come in for veneers or other cosmetic procedures want to know if the tooth being repaired or replaced will match their other teeth. Will it look too big? Or too white in comparison? When done correctly, by an experienced dentist like Dr. E who utilizes high quality technology and materials, the results are natural… and flawless!

Q: Is it just me, or do my teeth change in appearance as I get older?

A: The truth is, your smile (just like the rest of your body), changes as you age. With age, the nerves in our teeth get smaller and teeth also gradually wear down, making them visibly shorter. The amount of bone around teeth also naturally thins out and as gums recede, more space forms between teeth. Not to mention a lifetime of coffee drinking and other habits that cause visible wear and tear. That’s why as we get older, it becomes even more important to take proper care of our teeth and gums and maintain regular dental visits.

Do you have questions or concerns about your smile? Be sure to contact Dr. E and her caring team for all of your family’s dental questions and needs: 480-494-2435