Custom Dental Care for the Whole Family


Dental Care for the Whole Family

Dr. E. Shares Best Dental Practices for Every Stage of Life

A healthy smile should last you a lifetime! When good dental habits are instilled early on, they are more likely to continue throughout adulthood and into our senior years. The team at Dr. E Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in Ahwatukee offers ongoing custom dental care for the whole family– from pediatric dental care to dental treatments for grandparents!

While dental care is critical at every stage of life, dental needs change as we age. That’s why Dr. E and her team look out for different dental issues and employ specific treatments based on a patient’s age. Learn more below:

Children’s Dental Needs

Parents play a major role in their children’s dental health during the baby and toddler years. Before that first tooth even erupts, parents should gently clean baby’s gums with a washcloth. As the baby teeth begin to emerge, teeth should be cleaned regularly between feedings with water and a soft-bristled infant toothbrush.

During the school-age years, children should begin seeing Dr. E for regular dental visits, (every six months) with x-rays typically beginning by five-years-old. During these visits, Dr. E will periodically apply sealants to the teeth to help form a protective barrier against bacteria that cause cavities. Parents should begin modeling healthy nutrition and dental habits for children, including steering them away from sugary drinks and foods and monitoring their daily brushing/flossing routine. This will pave the way for long-term dental health and overall wellness.

The Adult Years

By now, adults know the drill (pardon the dental pun!) when it comes to properly caring for their teeth. However, busy schedules often prevent adults from keeping up with their dental needs.  They may skip regular dental visits or become lax with brushing and flossing. These negative habits put adult patients at much greater risk for tooth decay, gum disease, and potentially other serious health conditions such as heart attack or stroke.

In addition to common dental problems such as cavities and periodontitis, Dr. E screens adult patients for oral cancer; when caught early, it is extremely treatable. Many adult patients also visit Dr. E for cosmetic procedures to help “tune up” their smiles, including teeth whitening, veneers, bonding, bridges and more. Whether in need of routine care or seeking a procedure to reclaim their youthful smile, proactively visiting Dr. E is a must for adult patients.

The Senior Years

It is absolutely crucial for patients 65 and older to remain vigilant about their dental care. Especially since modern dentistry has come such a long way in helping patients maintain a healthy, vibrant smile throughout their lifetime!

Seniors should watch for any changes in saliva production that can be caused by common medications and prescriptions. The saliva we produce provides a natural barrier against tooth decay and infection, so adequate saliva flow is necessary in order to maintain a healthy smile. Dr. E can prescribe a safe and effective treatment to help seniors battling dry mouth. In addition, Dr. E watches for gum recession and tooth roots that have become exposed over time as patients age. Even certain chronic medical conditions such as arthritis can impact daily dental care, making brushing and flossing more difficult for seniors – Dr. E and her caring, compassionate team love working with seniors and are always available to provide gentle, yet thorough, help for senior smiles.

It is SO important to keep your smile healthy and beautiful at every stage of life! It really is important to seek excellent dental care for the whole family. Maintain proper oral hygiene, visit Dr. E regularly, and don’t put off any procedures that will help you look and feel your best… contact Dr. E Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in the beautiful Ahwatukee community today to schedule your next exam.
