shutterstock_46271098Many people think that the eyes are the first thing that they notice on a person. Dr. E believes that it’s the teeth or smile that leaves the most lasting impression. In fact, it’s not just Dr. E’s opinion—studies have shown that any Americans say teeth are a standout feature when it comes to what they notice and recall when first meeting someone.

If you are interested in improving your smile and/or dental health, Dr. E can help. We take a step by step approach to help you get your desired smile. First it is necessary to rule out dental decay and/or gum disease. Our skilled staff will conduct a thorough examination to look for any signs of unhealthy teeth or gums. Once its determined that all teeth and gums are healthy, Dr. E will explain and help you choose the best option to give you the smile you’ve always wanted. This is referred to as a smile makeover. Options to improve your smile can include any one or a combination of simple teeth whitening, Invisalign (clear aligner braces), veneers, crowns, and tooth colored bonding.

Dr. E realizes the positive impact that changing a smile can have on one’s life. There have even been studies that indicate lasting impressions are made within the first three seconds of seeing someone. Look at some results of the study done by Kelton Research* (

  • Making a Lasting impression: Nearly one-third (29%) of Americans say the first aspect of someone’s face they typically notice is his or her teeth, and 24% say this is also the facial aspect that they remember the most after meeting someone.
  • Straight Teeth = Success: These thoughts also extend to perceptions regarding an individual’s potential for professional and financial success. When looking at images, Americans perceive those with straight teeth to be 45% more likely than those with crooked teeth to get a job when competing with someone who has a similar skill set and experience. They are also seen as 58% more likely to be successful, as well as 58% more likely to be wealthy.
  • Love at First Sight: Not if you have crooked teeth. When it comes to attracting a possible mate on a dating site, those with straight teeth are seen as 57% more likely than those with crooked teeth to get a date based on their picture alone.
  • Crooked Teeth = Dull Social Life: Nearly two in five (38%) Americans would consider not going on a second date with someone who has misaligned teeth. Far fewer would ditch someone who lives with his or her parents (23%).
  • Straight Teeth = Good Personality: People connect more positive descriptions with men and women who have straight teeth than those who have crooked teeth. Those with straight teeth are 21% more likely to be seen as happy, 47% more likely to be viewed as being healthy and 38% more likely to be perceived as smart.
  • A Nice Smile Goes a Long Way: Nearly three in four (73%) Americans would be more likely to trust someone with a nice smile than someone with a good job, outfit, or car.
  • The Want List: Having an attractive smile is something important to many Americans. Close to three in five (57%) Americans would rather have a nice smile than clear skin. What’s more, 87% would forego something for a year in order to have a nice smile for the rest of their life; more than one-third of these folks would give up dessert (39%) or vacations (37%).

Dr. E takes a personal and custom approach to creating the best possible outcome for each individual and thoroughly enjoys the process. Please call to schedule an appointment with Dr. E for a free smile evaluation and recommendation. 480-494-2435.

*Based on a 2012 ‘Behind the Smile’ Perception study: