Getting to the Root of Adult Cavities

adult cavities prevention

Adult Cavities: learn to prevent them!

If only we could outgrow cavities! The unfortunate truth is that 1 in 4 adults has an untreated cavity and, in reality, cavities are likely to become more of a problem as we age. Get the scoop below on adult cavities, why they occur, and what you can do to prevent them:

Gum Recession Can Be a Problem

Gum Recession becomes a pesky issue in adulthood. As we get older, our gums begin to pull away from our teeth, forming pockets where bacteria flourishes. Most adults don’t realize they have an issue until they feel tooth pain or sensitivity and a cavity has already started forming. Diligent brushing and flossing in our adult years is crucial to combat gum recession!

Be Proactive with Plaque

Plaque Problems follow us into our adulthood, too. The acid in plaque strips teeth of minerals and damages enamel. As plaque eats away at enamel over time, cavities form inside the teeth. It’s important for adults to be proactive when it comes to plaque by scheduling regular cleanings and keeping oral hygiene a priority.

Check Your Childhood Fillings

Fillings Fade over time. As fillings weaken and loosen, bacteria increases, causing a build up of acid and tooth decay that can contribute to the formation of new cavities. See your dentist regularly to ensure that your childhood fillings aren’t causing you adult cavities!

Over Brushing Can be Harmful

Over brushing — believe it or not — is a cavity culprit in adulthood. Excessive brushing causes gum tissue to become swollen and exposes sensitive roots over time. This contributes to gum recession, damage and – eventually – dreaded cavities are likely to form. Brushing your teeth thoroughly for two to three minutes using short, gentle strokes with a soft-bristle toothbrush is best.

Your Diet Affects Your Dental Health

Diet drama can also cause our dental health to yo-yo out of control. Eating sugary foods and drinking too much sugar-laden coffee or soda is an obvious no-no, but there are other sneaky triggers. Watch out for overly acidic options, as well as popular energy drinks, sports drinks, and flavored-water beverages that look tasty and trendy but actually put you at greater risk for cavities.

Stress Can Trigger Cavities

Stress wreaks havoc on our overall well being, including our dental health! Common adult stressors – parenting, work, finances, etc. – contribute to issues like teeth grinding and dry mouth. Teeth grinding gradually strips away vital tooth enamel and dry mouth diminishes oral health and triggers cavities. For better oral health, just breathe.

Don’t Forget to Brush When On-the-Go

On-the-go adults tend to skimp on dental hygiene. Do you frantically hurry to get out the door most mornings? Can’t hit the sack fast enough at night? Your teeth may pay the price! Be a responsible adult when it comes to your oral hygiene – no matter how busy you are! Remember, brushing and flossing daily can save you hours in the dental chair later.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Avoiding the dentist is never a good idea. We schedule our kids’ check-ups like clockwork, but many adults are guilty of being lax when it comes to their own wellness. Regular cleanings are key for adults so that fillings can be monitored and sealants and other preventative measures can be employed to help maintain optimal oral health throughout adulthood.

We know that cavities can happen at any age, so Dr. E urges ALL patients to continue be responsible and vigilant when it comes to preserving their dental health.