The Best Type of Mouth Guard to Use for Sports

Keeping yourself and your children active in today’s world of technology can sometimes be a challenge. Fortunately, to stay active, there are many types of sports with multiple clubs and convenient locations available for children and adults alike. When participating in active sports, don’t forget to think about the safety of your mouths. One of the most necessary pieces of safety equipment for sports is a properly fitted mouth guard.

When playing contact sports, such as soccer, basketball, football, hockey, it is highly recommended to wear a mouth guard. Even in non-contact sports like gymnastics or recreational activities like skateboarding or mountain biking, it is a good idea to protect your mouth with a mount guard.

Good mouth guards are important, and for this reason, the market for this particular piece of equipment has expanded tremendously over the last few years and are now available for purchase in a wide range of materials and costing anywhere from $10 to over $100. But which kinds of mouth guards will offer the best and safest choice for your child?

Custom Fitted – Custom mouth guards can be made by your family dentist to provide an impeccable fit and the proper amount of protection. A custom made mouth guard will be created from an impression or mold of your teeth and can even be molded to provide different extra areas of protection for different types of sports.

Boil and Bite – These mouth guards come with little to no definition and are made to be warmed in hot water to soften them and then placed in your mouth for them to bite down into, creating an impression of your teeth. The American Dental Association has approved of this type of guard for proper protection when it’s well formed and worn correctly.

If you are seeking a local family dentist who truly cares about her patients to fit you or your child with a custom sports mouth guard, Dr. Janet Euzarraga can help. She has been providing Arizona with excellent service and compassionate care since 2001 and is equipped with the latest technology to ensure a perfect fit. She can provide the extra measure of safety and knowledge that can help make sure that your teeth stay healthy and protected both in and out of the game.