Top Tooth Problems…And What You Should Do About Them


Here are Some Top Tooth Problems.

Read on to find out what you should do about them!

Prevention is key when it comes to your dental health. Of course, this mantra goes hand-in-hand with visiting your dentist regularly. But, from time to time, you may experience tooth problems that leave you wondering if you should see your dentist right away. Let’s explore common, top tooth problems, tips for how to handle them, and which ones require you to seek dental help ASAP.

  1. Nagging tooth pain. Ouch! Searing, throbbing tooth pain is no laughing matter. Especially when pain is accompanied by fever, puss or swelling of the face or jaw. If this occurs, contact us right away as you may need an antibiotic or other urgent treatment.
  2. Tooth trauma. Oops! Perhaps you didn’t wear a mouth guard and got a sports-related injury. Or, maybe your tooth was knocked loose during an unfortunate accident. No matter the cause, a cracked or broken tooth constitutes a dental emergency. Call us right away for pain control and treatment!

  3. Tooth Decay. What happens when sugars and plaque make themselves at home on your teeth? Acid breaks down the protective enamel and teeth begin to decay. The best way to prevent tooth decay is by avoiding sugary foods and drinks and brushing and flossing daily. BUT, seeing your dentist regularly is also crucial when it comes to preventing and reversing tooth decay.

  4. Bad breath. You might not think of this as a top tooth problem, but we can all agree that bad breath is unpleasant and embarrassing. But, in reality, bad breath is more of a social faux pas than a dental emergency. However, your bad breath could indicate an underlying health issue or dental problem caused by gum disease, dry mouth or infection. Step up your oral hygiene and try some mouthwash before contacting your dentist.

  5. Bleeding gums. Sensitive, bleeding gums usually result from the gradual buildup of plaque. If left untreated, gum disease (aka, gingivitis) can cause teeth to shift and even result in bone loss. If you notice your gums bleeding, it’s a good idea to improve your oral hygiene routine and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash. Be sure to see your dentist for regularly scheduled cleanings to prevent the onset of gingivitis.
  6. Tooth sensitivity. Do your teeth hurt when you brush or floss? Do you experience sharp pain when drinking something hot or when you’re trying to enjoy a cold treat or beverage? This could signal a serious dental problem such as an abscessed tooth. Contact your dentist sooner rather than later for an appointment if you are having chronic tooth sensitivity.

  7. Teeth grinding. Also known as bruxism, teeth grinding is a common habit that can wreak havoc on your smile. Many patients are unaware they’re grinding their teeth in their sleep or during stressful moments of their day. However, your dentist can easily tell. Teeth grinding can cause cracked teeth and result in a misaligned smile. It can also lead to chronic headaches and jaw pain. Engaging in stress-relievers like meditation and reading before bed can help minimize teeth grinding. However, we also recommend that you see your dentist to be fitted with a mouth guard to help prevent subconscious teeth grinding.
  8. Discolored teeth. Are stained or yellow teeth hindering your smile and your self- confidence? Fortunately, you have many safe, effective cosmetic dentistry procedures at your disposal, including solutions like teeth whitening or dental veneers. Improve your smile and boost your self-esteem by scheduling a dental consult with us!

    Remember, you’re in control of your dental health—but we’re here to help! If you are experiencing any of the common dental problems described above, it’s time to see us to get your dental health—and your smile— back on track. Contact us today: 480-494-2435.